A Helping Hand Ministries
"To share God’s love through, orphan care and birthparent services."
Lexington, KY Office. 767 Lane Allen Road Lexington, KY 40504
Phone: 859-263-9964
Uganda Update 2018 in Review
Ken and Cathy and their team are working hard every day to save children from malnutrition and abandonment. Thanks to Love Without Boundaries and their commitment to orphans, Ken and Cathy have been able to place 6 children in foster family care, reunify 21 children with biological families members, and lower the number of nanny to child ratio at the baby home. Because of these efforts, there are currently only 23 children living in the baby home. Please know that your funds are still needed. The cost of covering the baby home expenses continues to go up due to rising costs of supplies in Uganda. In addition, your funds are helping foster families pay for their foster children's needs and also assisting biological families to maintain each child's placement. When reunifying children, Ken and Cathy help the biological family with an income generating project. Your donations to AHH and LWB allow Ken and Cathy to cover the start up costs for that income project. It is our goal to see each family creating enough income to eventually care for all of their family members.